Building OMR JitBuilder with CMake

The JitBuilder library in the Eclipse OMR project is designed to make it easier than ever for people to write JIT compilers, leveraging the high performance JIT compiler component of OMR, which is used at the heart of the Eclipse OpenJ9 Java Virtual Machine and the IBM SDK for Java.

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Eclipse OpenJ9 Verbose JIT logs

This article is the first in a series that provides useful information for analyzing JIT compiler operations. In this first article I’ll explain how to obtain JIT verbose logs and the basics for how to read them.

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Eclipse OpenJ9 - The first 2 weeks

It’s been about two weeks now since we created Eclipse OpenJ9. I thought I’d write a “short” blog entry just to let people know about some of the work that’s been happening at Eclipse OpenJ9 over the last two weeks as we ramp up our open source project activities.

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