Ask the OpenJ9 Community!

Every Wednesday at 11am EST, a few members of the Eclipse OpenJ9 developer community (some days more, some days fewer) get together for about a half hour to discuss topics of relevance for OpenJ9 users and for the OpenJ9 project. We usually meet via a Zoom video conference (Here’s a simple tutorial if you’ve never used Zoom before).

One of our most important goals for this video conference is to make sure our users have a regular opportunity to engage with us directly to give us their feedback. Now that there are JCK certified JDK8 binaries at the AdoptOpenJDK project for OpenJDK8 with Eclipse OpenJ9, it’s the perfect opportunity to try a production-ready JVM and then talk directly to the community that develops it to make sure it does what you need. If this week doesn’t work, we’ll be there the next week, and every week after that too. Your feedback is important to us, so we can feed your requirements into our next release (currently expected some time in May, with more platforms and better diagnostic capabiltiies!).

A second reason we meet every week is to talk about a few high level topics that are important for the OpenJ9 project: things like our release plans, our platform support, our continuous integration pipeline on our Jenkins instance, the testing we can afford to do at our project on every pull request and as part of our release schedule, what things we can do to help grow our user base and our community, etc. Any topic is fair game at this meeting, so long as it pertains to Eclipse OpenJ9 (or even our base technology project, Eclipse OMR)!

So, if you have tried Eclipse OpenJ9 and wish it could be even better, or you just want to understand where this new open source JVM technology is going, or if you want to learn more about some particular feature of Eclipse OpenJ9 (like OpenJ9’s lower footprint, or faster start-up, or how our dynamic AOT compiled code works, or our powerful tracing and diagnostic options), please feel free to join us at our weekly hangout. Everyone is welcome!

I will be kicking off this week’s call with 5-10 minutes talking about the OpenJ9 JIT verbose log, and how to use it to understand what methods are being compiled by the OpenJ9 JIT. It will be recorded, but it’s even easier to ask questions if you attend in person :) .

For details on how to join, which is usually posted a few minutes ahead of each meeting, please see the #planning channel in our slack instance. Not on our slack community yet? You can join up, no strings attached, at:

Written on April 18, 2018